
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

What a privilege to have Mike Shaul and Ben West speak to our entire office staff at a recent gathering!  Ten years ago, while they were in high school, Mike and Ben served on an Adventures summer outreach.  They traveled to Lima, Peru with a team of twenty and planted five churches in one month’s time.  Throughout their trip, they saw God work many miracles, and they sensed Him confirming His callings on their lives.

Since that time, Adventures has partnered with Mike and Ben, discipling them and helping them build the Kingdom in unreached parts of the world.  Both men met their wives on an Adventures trip, both now have bilingual children, and both have received multiple short-term teams from us.

I can barely express the excitement I felt as I listened to these guys speak about how they and their families have given themselves to the Lord in full-time ministry.  Their ministries represent a common theme around Adventures: 20 and 30-somethings responding to God’s call to go and disciple…  In fact, we have a brand new team of missionaries in Kenya, and I will be visiting them in April and July.  Want to join me?

Watch for my next blog about traveling with me to Kenya!