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I just received this quote from the biggest influencer in my life:

Refuse to allow excuses. The No.1 reason people fail to achieve their goals is because they allow themselves to make excuses for not doing what they know they should do. One of the most crucial keys to success is doing what you know you should do, every day, even when you don't feel like doing it.  This means NEVER allowing yourself to justify not doing what you know you should do. Make a commitment that you will not make excuses under any circumstances!
This reminded me of a conversation I had with a group of men that "want more" last week. We delved into the subject of what "man worship" looks like.

The sentiment around the table was "we struggle with intimacy", and "how do you (as a man) pursue the Lord in the USA?"

We know of one instance where "A man after God's own heart-David," was spinning like a top in streets , is this the definition?

So, instead of doing like wise...we paused and asked the Lord for an answer to the question of "what" worship looks like for men?

Some of the characteristics the Lord brought to mind as we were listening:
Having a confidence and a boldness
Knowing and accepting our identity as men
A personal and unique experience
It will seem emotional at times
Bare, stripped down, raw...just you and God
Some testosterone is going to be provoked
Finding out who God is and who we are in turn
He has to have the lead on this, like a lead wolf in a pack
It will include action, movement, exploration, and freedom

This last one set the stage:
We must come with an EAGER EXPECTATION.

The Lord brought to mind some of the "what" it looks like, so I wanted to know "where" do these men experience their God as described:

When I'm running
Working out
In the mornings before the sun comes up on my hike in the woods
Reading the Bible
When I'm out ministering to others
Sometimes during the singing time at church
Praying in a group

Back to the quote above: "Make a commitment that you will not make excuses under any circumstances!"

When I struggle with experiencing intimacy with the Father as a "man" what commitment do i need to make to arrive at an "EAGER EXPECTATION?"

I believe the answer is going to vary for many, it sure did at a table of 10 guys...God is creative enough for me to believe that your "what" and "where" isn't on this list.

One more thing...Men, as sons of Adam if we don't commit or delay in our decision, we can count on a daughter of Eve to step into the silence and lead the way. Refuse to allow excuses.

One response to “MAN Worship”

  1. The daughters of Adam will certainly step up to pray whenever needed but as an older woman let me encourage you to be the Lord’s men. Our world is in grave need of you. The women and girls in your lives need you to be godly men. Your sons need to see how you become intimate with the Lord so that they can dare to do the same.