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I’m Headed to Haiti with some of the Top Bloggers in the Nation

We convene in Miami on Thursday, before jetting to Santo Domingo and then driving six hours by bus over Dominican terrain to arrive in Port-au-Prince. I am excited to see watch the Lord as he begins the re-birthing process of Haiti. You can read about each of the bloggers participating below; and please feel free to follow our blogs during our trip. 

On February 11, 2010, two AIM staff, one videographer and a team of bloggers will venture their way to Haiti’s ground zero to serve and bring hope to the people devastated by the January 12th earthquake. They’ll be paving the way for future teams to enter and be the hands and feet of Jesus. And everyday, they’ll be sharing Haiti’s stories – stories of hope and resilience, of beauty amongst ashes and a new day.

Follow each of their blogs as they chronicle their journey:
Anne Jackson is a speaker and author of the books Mad Church Disease and Permission to Speak Freely.
Tim Schmoyer is a full time youth pastor for Alexandria Covenant Church and author of Life in Student Ministry (published by YS/Zondervan in early 2011).
Adam McLane is the Digital Czar for Youth Specialties.
Mark Oestreicher is a writer and former President of Youth Specialties.
Seth Barnes is the Founder and Executive Director of Adventures in Missions.  
Jeremy Zach started and is a full time youth pastor for Church by the Sea.
Lars Rood is the Lead Youth Minister at Highland Park Presbyterian Church, as well as a speaker and a writer.
Ian Robertson is a full-time videographer.
Rhett Smith is a Family and Marriage Counselor, writer, and serves as part-time on staff with Highland Park Presbyterian Church.
Clint Bokelman is the Director for Short Term Missions for Adventures in Missions.
To follow the group’s preparations and updates, visit: